Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Let's start our blog!!

Hi boys and girls,

As you know this year we are going to work in English with a Blog and even if some of you have already a blog. Now, it's your turn to create your Blog for the English class.

It's very easy, just follow the instructions:

1st.- You need a gmail. So, enter http://mail.google.com/ and create an account.
* Remember!!! Your login name must be compound with your name and last name and the password is going to be joan oliver.
Eg. Ana Torres =

2nd.- Enter https://www.blogger.com/ and sign in with your google account (gmail), write your username and your password.

Now, you have to decide the name of your blog. Don't be rude!!!

And also, you have to write the URL ( the Blog's internet address). You have to write your gmail username + joan oliver.
Eg. Ana Torres' Blog = http://anatorresjoanoliver.blogspot.com/

Finally, you need to decide your Blog's appearance: Background, colours, letter, etc.

I hope you enjoy creating your Blog.